When I was in high school, I remember a several instances where we played a game called Truth or Lies. It was meant to be an ice-breaker at church and school functions. You'd get in a group and everyone would tell you 4 truths and 1 lie and the rest of the people would have to guess which one was the lie. I always enjoyed playing this because you learned a lot about someone and some of the things people came up with were hilarious. So today I decided I'd tell you 8 truths and 2 lies about myself and let you decide which is which =)
1. I love the Muppets.
2. I didn't get my driver's license until I was 20.
3. I love the Beatles and U2.
4. I once won an award for my performance as Scout in To Kill A Mockingbird.
5. I hate calamari.
6. My favorite movie is Forgetting Sarah Marshall.
7. My #1 fear is spiders.
8. I love to fish.
9. It is my dream to one day live on a farm.
10. I hate Geico commercials and would never switch to Geico strictly because of them.
Comment below or on my FACEBOOK PAGE to leave your guess. There may just be a prize for the winner!
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