Monday, May 16, 2011

Denver, Colorado Portrait Photographer: The Beautiful Sidney

I'm so excited to share these photos on video with you! Sidney is a beautiful, hilarious, poised, intelligent 12 (almost 13!) year old. I've known her family for awhile now and they are some of the nicest people ever. And FUN! It may have been difficult to get Sidney to laugh during her shoot, but the rest of us sure did!

They are moving to CA soon and we did this shoot just to celebrate Sidney and the wonderful girl she is and send her off to CA with some major confidence! =)

Here is Sidney's video.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Denver, Colorado Engagement Photographer: Jess & Berto Take 2

You may remember Jessica & Roberto from my previous post. We did their engagement shoot in the bitter cold. We had planned on doing some photos at the ice rink, and then going to a more woodsy location, but there was just no way our bodies could've taken any more frostbite. So I decided we'd do the second part when it warmed up.

Jess and Berto picked an AMAZING spot to shoot. Here are a few of my favorites.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Denver, Colorado Portrait Photographer: Model Search!

We're going to let you in on a little secret! Our vision for Erin Michelle Studio is to exclusively shoot weddings and senior portraits. However, because of my pregnancy and the timing of my due date (July 4th to be exact!) it is difficult for me to shoot either this year. I'll miss most of the summer to be with my baby boy, and that is when wedding season and senior portraits are at their busiest times.

However, I am not happy to just sit back and relax until then, so we've come up with a new line that I am SO excited about! We are launching our teen portrait division called GET-GUSSIED. This new line is aimed at high school girls (and guys too) ages 15-18.

We're talking magazine style quality images at after-school job prices.

In order to get this new line launched, we are looking for teen models within 25 miles of Highlands Ranch who would like to do a photo shoot, and to be featured on our website, blog and marketing materials.

At just $40, this shoot is a killer deal (guys are FREE). SOOO much is included with it and it will definitely be an experience to remember. Please check out the details below, and be sure to "like" our facebook fan page.

If you know a fabulous teenager who would be interested in this amazing opportunity, have them e-mail me at for an application, OR post their name and e-mail address on our facebook fan page. Girls and guys, invite your friends to apply!

We need all entries by April 25, 2011 and models chosen will be announced here on the blog on the morning of April 26, 2011.

We are looking for all shapes and sizes, so don't disqualify yourself if you don't have a "model" body. What's most important to us is that you are fun, outgoing and comfortable in front of the camera!

If you have questions, please give us a call at 720-202-2203. We look forward to reading all of your applications!


Monday, March 28, 2011

Denver, Colorado Wedding & Portrait Photographer: Truth or Lie?

When I was in high school, I remember a several instances where we played a game called Truth or Lies. It was meant to be an ice-breaker at church and school functions. You'd get in a group and everyone would tell you 4 truths and 1 lie and the rest of the people would have to guess which one was the lie. I always enjoyed playing this because you learned a lot about someone and some of the things people came up with were hilarious. So today I decided I'd tell you 8 truths and 2 lies about myself and let you decide which is which =)

1. I love the Muppets.
2. I didn't get my driver's license until I was 20.
3. I love the Beatles and U2.
4. I once won an award for my performance as Scout in To Kill A Mockingbird.
5. I hate calamari.
6. My favorite movie is Forgetting Sarah Marshall.
7. My #1 fear is spiders.
8. I love to fish.
9. It is my dream to one day live on a farm.
10. I hate Geico commercials and would never switch to Geico strictly because of them.

Comment below or on my FACEBOOK PAGE to leave your guess. There may just be a prize for the winner!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Denver, Colorado Wedding & Portrait Photographer: Outdoor Editorial Springtime Shoot

This is Part II of our outdoor shoot series. Lindsay and I just wanted to capture a soft, girly look for the (supposedly) upcoming spring weather! I really loved doing this shoot because we got to play with my grandmother's china, bales of hay and gorgeous lace and crochet clothes! Hope you enjoy.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Denver, Colorado Wedding & Portrait Photographer: Outdoor Editorial Bridal Shoot

It's been so long since I blogged. Between redesigning my site and business, finding out I am pregnant with baby #4 (it's a boy!!) and taking care of my three daughters it's been a busy winter. So I was itching to get outside and shoot something...anything! Luckily, my makeup artist Lindsay and I had planned to do an outdoor bridal shoot as soon as the weather was warm enough. And in our minds, 46 degrees was warm enough =) We also did a "spring dress" shoot that I will post later this week. 

We were lucky to partner with some amazing local bridal businesses for this shoot. Thank you to everyone who contributed!

Wedding gowns provided by Flawless, Timeless and Blue bridal boutique. 
Headpieces provided by Kitty Mae Millinery & Accessories.
Shawls and Umbrellas provided by Splendor for Your Guests.
Makeup & Hairstyling by Lindsay Ambrosio of Denver Beauty Bride.
Models: Alexis, Nikki, Kiley and Evan (thank you!!)