Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Evan Almighty

Life is a funny thing. If you had asked me a year ago what I'd be doing in April of 2010, photographing people with my husband Evan assisting me would not have even been ON the list. Yet, here we are (and I am so thankful!)

As an ode to my wonderful hubs, I give you some highly unattractive photos of me taken by Evan himself. Don't get me wrong, it's not his fault they're unattractive- photographers just do not put themselves in "pretty" positions most of the time. And I DID ask him to photograph me while I was taking pictures, so I guess I asked for it. I think he did a pretty good job of capturing the bossy, demanding photographer that is me ;)

This one's not too bad. Am I taking a picture, or just pretending to? The world will never know...

I like to call this one Crouching Erin, hidden Evan.

Here's me bossing Angie and Neal around. Angie looks like she wants to fight me. I'm 99.5% sure she could take me.

Ok, I'm pretty sure Evan took this by mistake. I mean, it couldn't possibly have been that he got bored of my incessant bossiness and was distracted by this awesome bike, right?  That's what I thought.

Ummm...I'm not sure what to say about this one except that I am pretty much a midget.

I actually like this one. So I think I'll end here, on a high note. A big thank you to Evan. Without him this enlightening post would not have been possible.

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