Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Denver, Colorado Newborn Photographer: Baby Corinne

When I first saw Corinne, I was shocked at how beautiful she was. Not that I had any doubts, but when you go to photograph an 11 day old baby, you don't expect them to look so alert, and so pretty. She looked much older than her 11 days and I can tell she's going to be a smart one!

Though she slept through the first half of the shoot, she eventually woke up and was very happily looking around, squirming and just being a good baby. I wish all newborns could be as easy to photograph as she was! 

Special thanks to her parents who kept the house warm (it was like a sauna!) and let me move their precious angel all around. Enjoy!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Denver, Colorado Engagement Photographer: Jessica and Roberto

When Jessica suggested we do her and Roberto's engagement shoot at the Belmar Ice Rink, I was super excited. It was a unique idea and I knew it fit them well since they go there often (Roberto even brought his own skates!) We had planned the shoot a few months in advance, but it seemed to come so quickly. Like I said, I was pretty excited about it. Until I got out of my car. And it was -200 degrees.

Ok, maybe it wasn't THAT cold, but it was FRIGID. The sun went behind the clouds, the wind picked up and the air was biting. None of us had dressed for the occasion and to make matters worse, the location of the rink was pretty much a wind tunnel.

Can you tell from the photos that they were miserable and numb? No, because Roberto and Jessica rocked the shoot like true professionals! They had a great sense of humor about the whole thing and we all had a good time. I think their attitudes in this situation are a great indicator of what their marriage will be like. Able to laugh at the crummy circumstances life throws one's way is a very desirable trait in my mind.

Jessica met Roberto through her good friend, who happened to be Roberto's cousin, back in high school. She was looking for a "nice guy" and Roberto fit the bill (he even opened the doors for me when we were out shooting- what a gentleman!) Roberto proposed on a gondola in Vegas (let the swooning commence). Here's how Jessica describes it, "They asked the Gondolier to sing (he sang the Italian love song Speak Softly Love) Then Roberto got down on one knee! He said he knew I'd always wanted to go to Italy, and that was the closest he could get for right now and asked me to spend the rest of my life with him." SWOON.

I am honored to be shooting Jessica and Roberto's wedding in September at the gorgeous Millenium Harvest House in Boulder. I can tell from the time I've spent with them it will be a day filled with love and lots of laughter! 

Jessica is going to be such a STUNNING bride!!