Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Denver, Colorado Newborn Photographer: Baby Corinne

When I first saw Corinne, I was shocked at how beautiful she was. Not that I had any doubts, but when you go to photograph an 11 day old baby, you don't expect them to look so alert, and so pretty. She looked much older than her 11 days and I can tell she's going to be a smart one!

Though she slept through the first half of the shoot, she eventually woke up and was very happily looking around, squirming and just being a good baby. I wish all newborns could be as easy to photograph as she was! 

Special thanks to her parents who kept the house warm (it was like a sauna!) and let me move their precious angel all around. Enjoy!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Denver, Colorado Engagement Photographer: Jessica and Roberto

When Jessica suggested we do her and Roberto's engagement shoot at the Belmar Ice Rink, I was super excited. It was a unique idea and I knew it fit them well since they go there often (Roberto even brought his own skates!) We had planned the shoot a few months in advance, but it seemed to come so quickly. Like I said, I was pretty excited about it. Until I got out of my car. And it was -200 degrees.

Ok, maybe it wasn't THAT cold, but it was FRIGID. The sun went behind the clouds, the wind picked up and the air was biting. None of us had dressed for the occasion and to make matters worse, the location of the rink was pretty much a wind tunnel.

Can you tell from the photos that they were miserable and numb? No, because Roberto and Jessica rocked the shoot like true professionals! They had a great sense of humor about the whole thing and we all had a good time. I think their attitudes in this situation are a great indicator of what their marriage will be like. Able to laugh at the crummy circumstances life throws one's way is a very desirable trait in my mind.

Jessica met Roberto through her good friend, who happened to be Roberto's cousin, back in high school. She was looking for a "nice guy" and Roberto fit the bill (he even opened the doors for me when we were out shooting- what a gentleman!) Roberto proposed on a gondola in Vegas (let the swooning commence). Here's how Jessica describes it, "They asked the Gondolier to sing (he sang the Italian love song Speak Softly Love) Then Roberto got down on one knee! He said he knew I'd always wanted to go to Italy, and that was the closest he could get for right now and asked me to spend the rest of my life with him." SWOON.

I am honored to be shooting Jessica and Roberto's wedding in September at the gorgeous Millenium Harvest House in Boulder. I can tell from the time I've spent with them it will be a day filled with love and lots of laughter! 

Jessica is going to be such a STUNNING bride!!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

San Francisco, CA- A Love Story

There was a LOT of love in the air on October 11th in San Francisco. First of all, I have always LOVED SF. I mean, it is just an amazing place with so much to see and do. It was also Fleet Week, so there were a lot of naval officers around in their uniforms. Who doesn't love that? And I was with my wonderful friends, Mike and Jehn who love photography and each other. We had the BEST day!

If you follow me on Facebook, you've seen the collage of our day together, but here are some of my favorites in larger size =) Mike and Jehn, you guys are so cool, generous, funny, smart and entertaining. THANK YOU for carting me around the Bay Area, taking me to lunch and teaching me how to adjust my camera settings ;) I hope I can come back again SOON.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Denver, Colorado Family Portrait Photographer- Holiday Portraits!!

It's sneaking up on us...Christmas that is! Now is the time to book your family session for Christmas cards and gifts. I am running an awesome special for the holidays, so please give me a call and let me know when you'd like to book your session!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Denver, Colorado Product Photographer- Pastore Wines

Through my job at Highlands Wineseller I've met some great people. The Cocetti family and I did a tasting together of their wines about a year ago and I instantly loved them (the Cocetti's and their wines!). They reminded me of my mom's side of the family (very close-knit Italians). We kept in touch and recently I photographed over 95 bottles of wine for their product book.

I said it once and I'll say it again: product photography is MUCH more difficult than photographing people. It doesn't seem like it would be, but IT IS!!! So even though these are not the most artistic photos in the world, I am very proud of them because they signify long hours and not giving up!

Here are a few of my favorites.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I Love My Family- Southern California Family/ Love Photo Session

So, I'm 100% positive my cousins could be professional models. I mean, they are stunning. But really, that's beside the point because they are not only gorgeous, but they are all smart, funny, sweet, fun-loving girls, which just makes them even more beautiful. Top that off with their adorable boyfriends and how could we not do our own photo session? My cousin Lauren is a photographer herself so it was nice to have someone there with some creative ideas and suggestions.

For the record, I did not mess with those blue eyes. They really are that blue!

There are really too many of these that I love, so I had to make a few collages to make sure this post wasn't SUPER long. So here they are in all their beauty and studliness ;) I love you guys.

And my favorite of the day...

Saturday, September 4, 2010

The Lovely Nanette

I love it when a customer becomes a friend who becomes a client! While working at the wine store where I pour wine two days a week, I met the wonderful S. family who invited us to a wine tasting in their home. They are just kind, warm people and I always look forward to seeing them. When they contacted me about taking photos of their foreign exchange student from Germany, I was so excited!

Nanette needed some senior portraits so we headed to one of my favorite spots to shoot, Daniel's Park. The light there at sunset is just divine. As you can see, Nanette is totally gorgeous and she has a great sense of humor too so we had a lot of fun. There were SO many good shots, but here are my favorites. Thanks S. family, and thank you Nanette!!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Spear Family

I know it's been a very LONG time since my last post. I have been super busy working on the business aspect of things. So I was so excited to take a break from that and photograph the Spear Family on Sunday. Our first shoot got postponed because of rain, but we really lucked out with some GORGEOUS sunshine this time.

I met Amber a few years ago at a local craft fair. She makes THE BEST hair accessories for little girls. I don't buy from anyone else. Please visit her WEBSITE if you have a little girl in your life.

Amber and her husband Stephen have two little girls, Kaitlynn and Kamryn. They are the funniest, most joyful little girls. I had such a great time photographing them, they had me cracking up with their model walk and robot dance moves! There are so many great shots from their session, I had a hard time choosing.

Thanks you guys, I had a wonderful time and I hope you enjoy the photos!

Finally, some blonds!

Beautiful Kamryn

Lovely Kaitlynn...this is one of my favorites.

Are these not the cutest hair clips you've ever seen?!

Every couple needs a nice shot of themselves together.

My FAVORITE one...love it!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

A Brand New EMP

If you've visited my website in the last week (and I know you do on a daily basis!) you've probably noticed some HUGE changes. After giving my business a lot of thought I felt I needed to focus more on the things that I am truly passionate about. Those things all happen to be "girly" things; makeup, clothes, jewelry, beauty etc. Those are the things that really get me excited.

As of now, Erin Michelle Photography will be focused on making women of all ages look and feel beautiful. Of course, I will still be taking family portraits etc. but my packages will mostly be geared toward the females. What does that mean exactly? Well, I've added Trash the Dress sessions to my packages, some really fun maternity options, and most of all, boudoir photography. In the next few weeks I'll be putting up more details regarding these packages and I am super excited about it!

I hope you'll check out my new website and let me know what you think!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

My Little Leilah Bean

After my last post featuring Isabella and Colette, Leilah was feeling neglected, so I thought I'd do a little spot on her today. First, I must apologize for spelling her name the way I did. She's been called Layla, Leelah...pretty much everything BUT Leilah (LIE-LAH). I spelled it that way because it is the Irish spelling and because it means "dark beauty." I think it is pretty fitting.

Sometimes I feel bad and think, she will probably be scarred for life because no one will know how to say her name. But then she goes and pulls all the trash out of the trashcan and I don't feel bad anymore. She has a mean streak. It scares me...

See what I mean?

But, it doesn't last long and then she is back to her adorable self. And then I feel bad about her name again. I think I'll just call her Susan.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Manual Labor

A few days ago, my brother and I decided to clean out the garage as a surprise for my dad. If you live in the Denver area, you know that last week it pretty much rained dirt. Every car on the street was covered in brown dirt and it was pretty gross. So, even though it was only in the 50s, my girls decided to put on their suits and help Uncle J wash my mom's car. In typical Coco fashion, she was cold and quit after about 5 minutes. But Bella kept plugging along and got pretty into it as you can see. They looked so cute, I just had to get out my camera for a few shots.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

The Click Chick Cafe Launch!

It is time to reveal my secret! Today I am proudly launching my new site, the Click Chick Cafe. This site has been in the works for some time now, ever since I envisioned a place where photographers could come to learn more about their passion. With the help of my 6 amazing photographer friends, the site came to fruition and I love how it came out.

Each of us will be regularly contributing to the site, updating it bi-monthly with fresh articles, photos and, in the future, video tutorials. I hope you'll take a look at it and pass it along to anyone you know who loves photography.

Also, you can now follow the Click Chicks on Facebook. We hope you'll join us!

Thank you again to Kym, Delbarr, Ashley, Abriana, Mike and Jess. You guys took an idea and totally ran with it. I can't wait to learn more from all of you! =) And a special thank you to Sarah Rhoads for taking time to do an interview with us!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Cocetti Girls- Daniel's Park

The Cocetti's are one of those families you wish you could have been born into, or at least marry into! They are close, they are fun, they are Italian (YES!) and they make some AWESOME wine (Grape Feet Red anyone?!) I met David Cocetti while pouring some of his wine at Highlands Wineseller awhile back and I just fell in love with his whole family. When I needed a young woman for some photo ideas, I thought his beautiful daughter Tanisha would be the perfect fit. We actually never met until the shoot, but with all the texting and facebooking we'd been doing, I felt like I already knew her! Her lovely mom, Barbara joined us later on and I can honestly say, I haven't laughed so hard in a LONG time.

Tanisha, you are truly beautiful. You have a sparkle to you that I just love. Your smile and your eyes are so gorgeous, I thought they might break my camera. As if that weren't enough, your inner beauty shines just as bright. It was a pleasure getting to know you and photograph you. Barbara, you are so much fun and I can tell what a great mom you must be from the wonderful daughter you have raised. Thank you guys, it was a blast.

Tanisha rocked her old prom dress like a supermodel.

Gorgeous...simply stunning.

I want to bring Tanisha with me on all future photo shoots to teach people how to pose.

The Lovely Barbara!

My favorite one of the day!